2021 Blessings

We are glad to see the end of 2020 - who would have thought that the world would experience such turmoil? We were very disappointed that our trip to the Alsfeld show in Germany was cancelled. Grant ended up being made redundant and we faced some financial challenges that we could have done without.

This all came after such a turbulent time for the NZ alpaca world and things will never be the same again.

However, through all this we’ve ended up with some wonderful gifts, we know who our real friends are and we are blessed to have many wonderful, lifelong friends.

We understand a shift in priorities, how important our home (our sanctuary) is to us.

We have better perspective, sometimes ‘shit’ does happen and you just have to move on.

Family is so important as we cope with Covid, the lockdowns and uncertainty.

Gardens are important

Weddings are important

Breeding fewer but more outstanding alpacas is our new focus.

When time is short I speed up (sometimes panic too), but Grant slows down and checks more carefully because this is when mistakes are made (years of experience in the airline industry) - this has been quite a learning curve - oh yes indeed!

We are very thankful that we live in a small island nation at the bottom of the world and to date have escaped many of the harsh realities of Covid 19.

Lets hope 2021 is a better year for us all.

Frith Latham